Sunday, September 13, 2009

PaperArtwork Showcase 紙作品展示: Mr.發票

Mr.發票Artist 作家: 王貝純

All Mr.發票 wants to be is a piece of paper that he was made for, but instead, people rely on him to work and make money for them. The paper being folded down resembles Mr. 發票's sorrow.

The Artwork symbolizes the modern day world of dreams and expectations.



때문에 현대 사회의 꿈과 희망을 ...... 운반 송장 Mr.종이 조각 단지로서가 아니라, 그를 송장, 그래서 그는 매우 불행한 느낌, 인간의 임무를 제공합니다

Mr. 發票 with Suitcase
Mr.發票 II


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