Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, September 28, 2009
PaperArtist Profile 紙藝術家簡介: Lamont Dickerson 拉蒙特迪克森
Talented composer and producer Lamont Dickerson has recently been making noises in the music scene. 1st place in the New York Producer Competition and featured in Remix Magazine, Mr. Dickerson has now been working with renowned Taiwanese VJ Jason Tang and the Homies.
Their most recent production, collaborating with PaperTape production of "One Two One Two" made a success at club Primo with exhilarating crowds.
他們最新與PAPERTAPE合作的歌曲"扭的好" 在Primo成功的演出,使人群感到興奮。。
From his home town New Jersey, he has developed his percussion capabilities in various genres and was awarded the Louis Armstrong Jazz award and performed in NJ PAC, Carnegie Hall, and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
他的家鄉紐澤西州,他發展了良好的打擊音樂藝術能力,獲得了阿姆斯特朗爵士獎的肯定,並在新澤西州演出委員會,卡內基音樂廳, 和梅西感恩節遊行上表演。
After discovering his passion in music production, he has devoted his artistry in making beats and rode to the top of the charts with Thought You Could on KTU, America's top pop radio station.
出節奏達到最頂尖,以“希望你可以” 在KTU〈美國流行音樂電台〉表現自己。
Continuing his pursue for music, he has traveled to Taiwan to work with VJ Jason Tang and his group, Homies, in creating music with various styles.
為了繼續追求自己對於音樂的理想,他來到了台灣與VJ 唐志中和他的小組“Homies”合作,創造了各種風格的音樂。
LD: "It was a pleasure to work with Jason, and somehow the music guided me to Taiwan in making music for music's sake. I never in a million years thought that I would be here, and now that I'm here, I'm gonna learn some Chinese!" (LD Laughs)
迪克森笑的說: “與唐志中合作事一件愉快的事情,並且以某種音樂指引我到了台灣,給我一百萬年我也沒想過我會到台灣來,但是限在我在這裡,而且我會開始練習中文。"
Jason: "It was God's purpose to brought us here. Without Lamont, I don't think we would make it this far. LD helped us alot, along with Harrison Wu and PaperTape. It was also them that helped us succeed with our performances at Primo and Malaysia's Hennessy Artistry."
唐志中: “以把我們帶到這裡。沒有拉蒙特,我不認為我們會到這個地步。拉蒙特幫了我們很多,加上Harrison 和 PaperTape。而且也是他們,幫助我們成功地在Primo和馬來西亞的Hennessy Artistry 演出。“
With Lamont's work and collaboration with PaperTape Production, The Homies is expecting to drop an EP in the near future, with more breath taking performances to come.
More of Lamont's Music can be heard at
Homies consists of: Jason Tang, Blake, KY, and JJ
Vocals 主唱: 劉光遠,唐志中,佈雷克
Lyrics 作詞: 劉光遠,唐志中,佈雷克
Composer 作曲: Lamont Dickerson
Editing 編輯: PaperTape
Mixing 混合: PaperTape
Producer 制作: PaperTape
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
來自亞洲最大名牌精品日本的拍賣專門店BRAND OFF,也將是台灣最大的二手精品旗艦店,特地於10月1日下午3點 舉辦VIP開幕酒會,現場除了將有多位知名藝人共同出席,並備有限量、罕見的的名牌精品讓VIP貴賓優先選購,僅只一次的難得機會,誠摯的邀請您來共襄盛舉! `
另外 出席的現場嘉賓都有機會參加 Lucky Bon抽獎呢
史上精品最強開幕酬賓超級禮物HERMES愛馬仕柏金包 還有LOUISVUITTON、MARC JACOBS等獎項機會!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
PaperArtwork Showcase 紙作品展示: Mr.發票

All Mr.發票 wants to be is a piece of paper that he was made for, but instead, people rely on him to work and make money for them. The paper being folded down resembles Mr. 發票's sorrow.
The Artwork symbolizes the modern day world of dreams and expectations.
때문에 현대 사회의 꿈과 희망을 ...... 운반 송장 Mr.종이 조각 단지로서가 아니라, 그를 송장, 그래서 그는 매우 불행한 느낌, 인간의 임무를 제공합니다
Mr. 發票 with Suitcase

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
We are Under Construction... We we'll be back with News, Music, and Updates on our musical adventures in multiple Languages. So please stayed tuned...
我們正在建設中... 我們會回來新的新聞,音樂,和我們的故事。所以,請保持調諧...
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Ting Tings- Great DJ (PaperTape Garage Mix)
Taking the world by storm, The Ting Tings has been nominate for the 2008 MTV Music Video of the Year. The Brit pop duo's unique tune has a resemblance of 80's pop with today's edginess and eclectic persona that makes their songs memorable, and to be honest Katie White does look pretty sexy singing with her pissy attitude.
Perhaps everyone remembers the repeated word "drums" in their international debut song "Great DJ."
As a honorary, and a tribute to their work and unique individual characteristics, and a respond to their recognition of dj's, PaperTape presented with a remix as a reinterpretation of their original work. PaperTape's Garage mix is the sound of a cassette tape in a confined space, with a resemblance of edginess that symbolizes the individualistic culture. The BPM version is of the beat transitions that is not too far fetched from the original work, but rather a new creation of the drums and sound.
The Ting Tings- GreatDJ (PaperTape BPM Garage Mix)*
*The work of remix on this page is simply an artistic reinterpretation of the original song. The artist is simply displaying artistry and does not redistribute, sell, or aim to make any profit off of the song. If you are he original copyright owner and have any objections, write to us and we'll immediately delete the file.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Acoustics for the Holidays
The holiday's is about warmth and working together, so PaperTape has worked with Zach to create a love song with acoustic guitar and violin (aww how sweet)...
Zachary Znidarsic & PaperTape- Our love Will Make It
At the studio, PaperTape brought out his priceless violin and showed us what music is truely about.
PT: "Many people forget to realize that classical is one of the fundamentals of music. In order to get people to understand it's complex structure and virtuosity, I've chosen to do one of Vivaldi's Four Seasons which displays instensity and stray from the notion that classical music is all mellow."
Indeed, PaperTape's Vivaldi remix, performed and produced by PaperTape himself, showed the artistry of composers before our time.
So many people sought of composers in relations to classical music and forget that many producers today are composers themselves. It is hard to understand what a music producer really is to most people. just 10 - 20 years ago, the producers job was to just coordinate the production work. But today, music producers do so much more. You can say you make beats, you compose, you produce, etc. There are so many terms to describe a producer when in fact a good producer does them all, from composing to marketing the final product.
That is what PaperTape is, the producer who does everything, and at PaperTape Production, we aim to integrate all aspects of everyone's work into PaperMusic.
PT: "I would say PaperMusic is art. It is creativity. In painting there is commercial art which is gear towards to general public, and there is ART which is purely for art's sake. I would say we make most our music in the form of ART. To be specific I guess you can say it's like pop/modern art and less abstract."
So we leave you with a Preview, showcasing the beauty of an acoustic instrument and the artistry from PaperTape.
PaperTape- Storm (Rock Mix) Preview
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
After a long Turkey day weekend, PaperTape has been working closely on remixes. Now he is back with a club rock mix to throw you on the dance floor.
Teaming up with DJ BladeX, PaperTape is going to bring audiences with ElectroDanceRock.
With dance and rockability, it's a new high, and as Zach said it, it literately makes him high. But however you take the high is up to you.
Perhaps we are getting high as we write this...
Zachary Znidarsic- It's You and Me (PaperTape AstroClub Mix)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Rock and Republic
This Season, celebrate your rock n' roll style with Rock and Republic. With their online shop now open, you can buy premium rocker jeans with sophistication.
Sported by many rock stars in the world, Rock and Republic had made a reputation for quality denim. Its luxe yet edgy approach to fashion is personified by CEO and Creative Director Michael Ball.
Every season, Rock & Republic captivates audiences with its fashion forward runway shows, legendary events and trailblazing ideas. Clearly the future ROCKS.
You can now shop online at
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Artist of the Week: Trevor Jackson
There are artists who takes great photos, there are artists who create beautiful images, there are artists who make great music. But there is one artist who does it all, his name is Trevor Jackson.
Trevor is a London based creative, working in many fields including graphic design, art direction, moving image, music writing, remixing and production, installations and performances.
He has successfully formed the design company BITE IT!, record label OUTPUT RECORDINGS, and create remixes for big time artists such as U2, Chromeo, Snow Patrol, and JPOP artist Ayumi.
His work can be seen in Uniqlo's T' Shirt collections and the renowned Guggenheim Museum on minimalism. With such accomplishments, he is the one artist that proves we can achieve anything we want, and more.
We gave him the praise and admiration of someone who doesn't limit himself and reach above and beyond. You can visit his website at for more of his work and success.