PaperArtist Profile 紙藝術家簡介: Lamont Dickerson 拉蒙特迪克森
Talented composer and producer Lamont Dickerson has recently been making noises in the music scene. 1st place in the New York Producer Competition and featured in Remix Magazine, Mr. Dickerson has now been working with renowned Taiwanese VJ Jason Tang and the Homies.
Their most recent production, collaborating with PaperTape production of "One Two One Two" made a success at club Primo with exhilarating crowds.
他們最新與PAPERTAPE合作的歌曲"扭的好" 在Primo成功的演出,使人群感到興奮。。
From his home town New Jersey, he has developed his percussion capabilities in various genres and was awarded the Louis Armstrong Jazz award and performed in NJ PAC, Carnegie Hall, and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
他的家鄉紐澤西州,他發展了良好的打擊音樂藝術能力,獲得了阿姆斯特朗爵士獎的肯定,並在新澤西州演出委員會,卡內基音樂廳, 和梅西感恩節遊行上表演。
After discovering his passion in music production, he has devoted his artistry in making beats and rode to the top of the charts with Thought You Could on KTU, America's top pop radio station.
出節奏達到最頂尖,以“希望你可以” 在KTU〈美國流行音樂電台〉表現自己。
Continuing his pursue for music, he has traveled to Taiwan to work with VJ Jason Tang and his group, Homies, in creating music with various styles.
為了繼續追求自己對於音樂的理想,他來到了台灣與VJ 唐志中和他的小組“Homies”合作,創造了各種風格的音樂。
LD: "It was a pleasure to work with Jason, and somehow the music guided me to Taiwan in making music for music's sake. I never in a million years thought that I would be here, and now that I'm here, I'm gonna learn some Chinese!" (LD Laughs)
迪克森笑的說: “與唐志中合作事一件愉快的事情,並且以某種音樂指引我到了台灣,給我一百萬年我也沒想過我會到台灣來,但是限在我在這裡,而且我會開始練習中文。"
Jason: "It was God's purpose to brought us here. Without Lamont, I don't think we would make it this far. LD helped us alot, along with Harrison Wu and PaperTape. It was also them that helped us succeed with our performances at Primo and Malaysia's Hennessy Artistry."
唐志中: “以把我們帶到這裡。沒有拉蒙特,我不認為我們會到這個地步。拉蒙特幫了我們很多,加上Harrison 和 PaperTape。而且也是他們,幫助我們成功地在Primo和馬來西亞的Hennessy Artistry 演出。“
With Lamont's work and collaboration with PaperTape Production, The Homies is expecting to drop an EP in the near future, with more breath taking performances to come.
More of Lamont's Music can be heard at
Homies consists of: Jason Tang, Blake, KY, and JJ
Vocals 主唱: 劉光遠,唐志中,佈雷克
Lyrics 作詞: 劉光遠,唐志中,佈雷克
Composer 作曲: Lamont Dickerson
Editing 編輯: PaperTape
Mixing 混合: PaperTape
Producer 制作: PaperTape
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